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Sleep Supplements & Pills

Having trouble sleeping? Catch all the Z's you need with top-rated sleep supplements from brands like Lumity and Dr. Barbara Sturm. Read More

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Sleeping Supplements & Pills

As kids, we might've hated the idea of going to bed, but now with work and responsibilities on our minds and smartphones in our hands, it can be hard to get the sleep we so desperately crave—and need. While you sleep, your cells repair themselves, and a good night's sleep is linked to better learning, memory, creativity and less risk of certain health conditions.

So make sure you get both the quantity and quality of sleep you need, with the help of a sleep supplement.

They're not usually meant to be used forever, but a supplement can aid you for a period of time in getting to sleep more quickly, staying asleep for longer and getting deeper, better sleep that leaves you feeling more rested.

Many supplements on the market will use ingredients that either mimic hormones and minerals in your body, like melatonin and magnesium, or have relaxing properties, like lavender, valerian root and passionflower.

Just remember to speak with a doctor before you start using supplements of any kind.

To improve your bedtime routine, we also recommend sleep mists and aromatherapy, or if you've got a little more time on your hands, taking a relaxing bath loaded with bath salts or a delicious soak or oil.

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