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Isispharma is a brand that looks back further than most for inspiration. That's because its core scientific concepts originate in Egyptian mythology, a belief system governed by the principles of resurrection and renewal.
In this belief, one organ possessed the unique ability to replenish itself – skin. This may seem like a slightly strange base from which to build a skincare treatment system, but it's one borne out in our skin's quite extraordinary capacity for managing its own equilibrium.
When a system is able to maintain balance despite external aggressors, this ability is described as homeostasis, and it's this that's at the very core of Isispharma.
Founded in 1987 by a chemist with a unique vision, and since supported by considerable French expertise, the brand's solutions are entirely focussed on restoring balance to complexions that have become visibly or tangibly disrupted.
When ancient ideas are backed by extensive research and scientific innovation, they become something else entirely – a skin savior you'll rely on time and time again.