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Bronnley follow the philosophy that every fragrance is a journey of discovery through magical and hidden depths – a factor that contributes to their soaring success.
The company harnesses the sheer goodness of Mother Nature, using natural ingredients to create pure and bespoke aromas. Searching near and far, Bronnley gathers ingredients from all over the globe to design some of the best fragrances a perfume house has to offer.
The founder of the company was no other than the legendary James Bronnley: an English-based, Paris-trained perfumer that let his passion lead the business to booming success. His adventurous and imaginative nature guided him to the study of olfactive scents, which set the baseline for his elite fragrance house.
Bronnley take pride in their eclectic selection of perfumes and their power to seduce, which is why the brand has no plans in slowing down. Proudly working since 1884, the company has been introduced as one of the original British perfumery brands.