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The Chemistry Brand

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The Chemistry Brand

The Chemistry brand, despite the name, is not rocket science. Created by DECIEM, it has one aim – to offer treatments that fight all aspects of hand and body ageing.

With so many factors playing a role in ageing skin, it's about time you call in the big guns. In this scenario, they're the little gems that make The Chemistry Brand such a unique skincare company.

They say that the hands are a dead giveaway when it comes to predicting one's age, so keep others guessing with the handy products available from this brand. You can find treatments that visibly improve the firmness and texture of your mitts. Not only will your skin look younger but it'll be as soft as a baby's bottom.

When it comes to footcare, traditional creams remove the dry hard skin areas of the heel. The brand's innovative treatments, however, hydrates the chapped areas. This keeps your trotters moisturised for longer, just what you need when wearing your favourite sandals or heels.

But don't just take our word for it; give these miracle workers ago.

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