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Hero Cosmetics

Hero Cosmetics

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Hero Cosmetics

Hero Cosmetics is the acne and skincare brand helping you find your best skin.

Co-founder and CEO, Ju Rhyu knows all too well how frustrating acne breakouts can be. Popular topical treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid would cause redness on her skin, whilst concealer and makeup didn't help the pimples go away. It wasn't until she discovered hydrocolloid acne patches that she was able to take back control over her complexion.

Now, Ju is on a mission to educate and let everyone in on her skin secret. She started Hero Cosmetics in a bid to create solutions for the times you find yourself in a pimple emergency, as well as create a space for people to be proactive about their skin and bust the stigma around acne. The Mighty Patch – a night-time acne sticker that flattens and pulls gunk from the pimple - was the first product to launch in her collection and has since won multiple beauty awards.

Now, Hero Cosmetics boasts a full line-up of simple and effective spot-busting formulas, from patches to cleanser, toner and moisturiser.

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