Browse the Clairol assortment of permanent hair dyes, shampoos and conditioners. Read More
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Few hair and beauty brands were as groundbreaking and revolutionary as Clairol – before they impacted the market with their impressive array of wonderful products, hair colouring was scorned by many. Now, most at some point in their lives have dyed their hair, and the acceptance of this is mostly due to Clairol.
It all began in 1931, when Larry Gelb headed to Paris from New York in search of a business opportunity. It appeared he went to the right place. After admiring the vigour and vitality of the Parisian women with their pristine hair and makeup, Gelb's wife wanted to bring a French flair back to New York. She did so and was met with adulation – hair salons across the country were wowed by her product.
The rise of the brand is evident in the current market, standing proud as one of the world's leading companies in hair and beauty.