Explore the Brylcreem collection of hair gels & waxes, hair masks, braiding gel and more besides. Read More
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Few brands are more closely associated with male grooming than Brylcreem. And that's down to the sheer quality that's packed into each individual tin. Not only does the exceptional formula lock all manner of sculpted looks into place, it also conditions and softens your hair, leaving it as healthy as it is aesthetic.
The brand first achieved widespread popularity amongst British soldiers during World War II. Pilots had a reputation for sophistication and also required their locks to stay in place in fantastically high-pressure situations. The answer, of course, was Brylcreem. Advertising executives and modern celebrities took up the trend, ensuring that for over 89 years the brand has existed at the heart of fashion.
Simply distribute a dime – or five pence – sized dab into your palms and you're suddenly holding a world of unbelievable styling power. What's more, the search for perfection continues to this day, as each new version of the formula is an improvement on the one that came before.
Browse our collection of Brylcreem and discover their best-selling beard oils, creams and pastes.